Selling Your Home Safely During The COVID-19

Selling Your Home Safely During The COVID-19

While it may seem like the world has come to a standstill because of the ongoing pandemic, operations in the marketplace are still quite active. Real estate buying and selling is very much still ongoing. With that being said, COVID-19 has definitely pushed the market to take new and different approaches when it comes to marketing, selling and buying apartments. If you’re planning to put up your home for sale, know that it is very much still possible to do it. In fact, the changes in the market rate have attracted new customers who are eager buyers. There are some factors that have hindered our usual ways of selling homes due to the virus. Keeping that in mind, some of the things that you should focus on to conduct successful sales in the current market:

Understanding the Importance of Virtual Showings

Physically visiting the site or seeing it in real life isn’t something that is going to be logical or popular during this time. People want to maintain social distancing, which is why virtual showings and previews of your home are going to play a really big role. Not only it is the primary way of advertising your property but it will also give you the opportunity to show your potential buyers the different aspects of your home which may attract them to it.Neither you not the buyers will have to actually visit the site as you’ll be visiting it virtually through videos and photos. With that being said, since virtual showings are so important you should make sure the videos are impressive with high quality. Try adding some more attention grabbing factors such as good background music and editing which will further help you impress the buyer.

Making use of Technology

Online based transactions call for proper understanding of communication and technology. Even before finalizing the sale, there can be many instances such as discussing the deal and negotiations that are better communicated through video calling platforms such as zoom. The meetings that you would conduct face to face in order to close your deal will now be conducted through technology. Moreover, handling documents and signing them can also be done from home with the use of modern day technology. So it’s smart to understand how the technology involved in all this works in order to make best use of it.

Integration of Creativity in your Marketing

A marketing strategy is something you would have to consider to make your property stand out regardless of the pandemic. However, because of the newer circumstances, some modifications and changes have to be made in your strategy to attract better customers. Creative marketing has to he done especially in virtual showings and preview videos so that the buyer becomes eager to know more. Make good use of social media to market your property as especially now, people are spending more time on it than ever. Without open houses, the market asks of you to bring in new components into your online marketing. While you’re making the property look attractive, you should also highlight thr safety protocols that you as sellers will be abiding throughout the procedure. This will attract more buyers as they will feel safer to make their purchase from you.

How to handle in person Showings

While most buyers will want to be able to make their purchase from their homes as it isn’t exactly safe enough to be exploring properties at the moment, they will still want to see the home in person before making the final decision. For those situations, it is important for you as a seller to maintain all safety protocols and hygiene when showing your property to your customer in person. All the basic measures such as masks, disinfectant sprays and sanitizers should be carried with you for use. Successfully conducting the showing and giving the buyer the assurance of safety afterwards is important for their satisfaction. There is a specific set of guidelines that the California Association of Realtors have released which will help you get a more clearer idea of the rules you must follow. Some of them include the minimum amount of distance to be maintained between people visiting the property and the limit of people visiting the property at the same time.

Closing the Sale

It is best of you are able to conduct closing the deal remotely. It can be made possible if you adjust yourself well enough to the above guideline on integration of technology in the sale and making good use of it. Getting your buyer to agree on the price of the home is something you should also focus on. You have to keep in mind that because of the ongoing situation, many people have lost jobs or just aren’t making as much money as they used to. Because of this, buyers are looking for homes that are priced less than usual. This is where marketing strategy comes in well. To make your home stand out in the market, you must take in to consideration all the factors – especially the pricing. To conduct a smooth closing, it’s good to handle all this beforehand.


Whether open houses are being permitted or not depends the state in which you’re living in. If open houses are prohibited in the state you’re from, you’ll have to be ready to carry out all the procedures remotely. Do your research by knowing more about recent sales and gain information on what exactly the buyers are looking for – not just in terms of the property itself but also the buying process. However, even if open houses are permitted in your state, chances are that you will come across buyers who prefer virtual showings and stagings. Everyone is trying to maintain safety protocols – and rightfully so. It is up to you as the seller to be able to conduct a smooth sale by adjusting to them. Hopefully the above guidelines will help you prepare for the sale of your home and help you gain a good number of potential buyers.
