What is a Safe Distance to Live from Power Lines?

What is a Safe Distance to Live from Power Lines?

One of the most controversial topics on the internet these days about the risks of power lines near your house.

What Is The Safe Distance Of Living Near High Voltage Power Lines?

People are now more aware of the dangers of living near power lines. You will get the various question and answer regarding the topic. Also, you will find a lot of studies and researches about the topic. Still, many researchers draw attention and relation between power lines and cancer. But again, another group argues with them. So, it’s going messy and confusing. At the same time, you might think about your house if it is too near to power lines or a grid. It can also decrease your property value somehow. So, based on the topics lets know about this with some essential reference.

Is It Bad to Live Near Power Lines?

Living near power lines can be dangerous. It can bring some health suffering for you. So, if your house is near to power lines then you need to be worried a bit. But don’t panic. Let’s know the reason and then we will explain what you can do in case your house is near to a power line.

Numerous researchers found that EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields) have some odd effects. So that it can lead you to a serious condition like diseases. But it is still a controversial fact due to proper evidence. Based on some previous research, researchers found that it is bad to live near power lines.

But after the time being further researches shows that EMFs have some effect but that cannot be that much harmful. Though they are not still neglectable. So that it’s better to avoid direct powerlines. But this can be avoidable with some safety procedures and steps.

Living Near Power Lines What’s the Risk

If your house is too much near to a power line. Then it might be risky for your health. You might face some problem but that is not something you will notice instantly. Over the period maybe you will develop these difficulties. So that you should aware of this risk and take the necessary steps to be safe.

However, some random believes that Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) effect on the human body. This can cause various diseases like disorder. It can cause even cancer too. The International Agency for Research on Cancer views as adequately entrenched to rate incredibly low recurrence attractive fields as a “potential” human carcinogen.(EMF publications & information resources, 2020)

What Is A Safe Distance to Live from Power Lines?

One of the most conflicting issues is measuring the safe distance from powerlines. It is still a highly controversial issue and depends on various facts. Another thing is the EMF effects depend on the distance of your house.  So that after finding all the confliction researches here is the safe distance guide-(About electromagnetic fields, 2020)(DC EMI EXPLAINED, 2020)

  • For 133 kV Power lines you have to maintain 100 feet distance.
  • For 230 kV Power lines you have to maintain 150 feet distance.
  • For 345 kV Power lines you have to maintain 250 feet distance.
  • For 550 kV Power lines you have to maintain 350 f feet distance.

After 500 feet it’s unable to measure the EMF effect with power lines. That is the EMF power lines safe distance. However, it’s still a question that will you feel risk-free to live in such an area?

Is It Dangerous to Live Near Power Lines?

Is it dangerous to live near power lines? Yes, the question is too obvious and the answer is positive. But the level of danger depends on how much near to the power lines.

Living too near to power lines can be dangerous. Many researchers reveal their study that power lines can be dangerous for the human body. The research found that many cases strongly believes that it has a very strong impact. But over time advanced research proves that the effect of power lines depends on various factors. Also, the distance from your house to the powers can be a variable for the danger.

As still, it is doubtful to believe. So that precaution is very necessary if your house is too much near to a power line. You can still avoid this and remain safe with some awareness. So that you can ensure your safety as well as your house and property.

How Much Do Power Lines Decrease Property Value?

According to (Dewees, 2013), a real estate broker, this is so much hyped question asked by so many buyers. There is not enough research yet that is not conclusive like radon, mold, and so on. It’s best to look online for the information. Houses near to power lines are not visually attracted. Also, results show various health issues. He also said that these houses are hard to sell.

Another real estate agent (Lewis, 2013)said that it depends on the house and its neighborhood. He asked to check the EMFs effect on the property. Then it can be tough for resealing and the buyer can show less interest by knowing about the power lines. So, if somehow the buyer can move and you might face difficulties selling that property. That’s how power lines can affect your property buyer.

Does Living Near A Powerline Cause Cancer?

You will get a lot of study and researches regarding the powerlines and cancer. Many researchers try to show the relation between powerline and cancer and its effects. But advanced study argues with them. Many studies examined these facts and causes. But no strong evidence yet for saying this. So that it’s not very true to blame powerline and grid for causing cancer. As there is a lack of evidence and cause for it. (ABOUT CANCER, 2019)

But this can’t lead you to risk-free about the powerlines. There is no proof but it can’t ensure that powerlines do not affect your body. But there is enough study that proofs that EMF of the various power lines can cause other sickness or issues to a human body. Therefore, it’s better to be aware and take protection for powerlines house to live. Even you should concern your property near to any power line.

Health Risks Living Near Power Lines-

Living near power lines can be risky for your health. It can cause various diseases over time. It can cause a very slow effect and take a long period to be evident of risks.

According to Wikipedia, EMWatch.com (Electromagnetic Radiation Health and Safety) enclose a list of health risks, that you might face if you living a long time near power lines. (EMF pollution may cause these health effects, 2020) These health risks are-

  • Heart Risks
  • Miscarriage
  • Body Fatigue
  • Blood Disease
  • Stress Problem
  • Immune Damage
  • Decreased Libido
  • Metal Depression
  • Skin Disease/Rash
  • Pregnancy Problem
  • Leukemia (All Ages)
  • Physical Disabilities
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Unisex Breast Cancer
  • Brain Disease/Cancer
  • Imbalance of Hormone
  • Blood Pressure Problem
  • Normal Pain/Headaches
  • Neuro Degenerative Risks
  • Fertility Impairment Problem


However, there are enough proof and studies that claim that powerlines are not that much risk to be panicked. You should know about it and take your protection based on your situation. Unless you will be in danger of your health as well as with your house and property.

So, while medical researchers claim that electric and magnetic fields creating by the strong power lines or grind are less dangerous but that not safe or healthy at all. It can be unsafe or depends on the type and construction area. If that zone is in the high radius zone that it might cause health issues for you. So, it’s ideal to check the area of your property for any strong power lines or grid. Even you should concern it even for the power lines behind your house. In all that case, you should ensure your health safety along with your property. Unless you will risk your life and your property value too.


Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer

What are electromagnetic fields?
